Usually construction commences about two weeks after plans are complete due to time needed to get appropriate permits.
At this time we will begin to assist you with making selections such as stone, stucco, brick, and cabinetry.
Within thirty days, weather permitting, the house framing should be complete. This is a key point in time to make any possible changes without significant expense. Also, at this point in the process, you will be making your remaining selections like, tile, paint colors, and granite.
In about two weeks after all plumbing, wiring, and inspections are complete, the drywall is installed. At this stage under normal conditions, we are entering the final month of construction. Keep in mind at this point as well as any other, you are welcome to visit the site and contact us with any questions or concerns.
After construction comes to a close, we will conduct a final walk through of the home with you. We will highlight any cosmetic issues with blue painters tape and make notes of any significant repairs or corrections. If applicable, the city inspector will make his fourth and final inspection to ensure that the home meets all codes and requirements. If you wish, you are also welcome to hire a third party inspector to perform a thorough check of your home. When you are completely satisfied with your home, we will then schedule to close escrow.
Now it's time to get the moving trucks!